Friday, February 4, 2011


I KNOW I should write something very encouraging and very profound for my FIRST Post!!   But I have to share with you a conversation I had with our 3 year old daughter yesterday morning....may it bless your hearts...or a least may it make you chuckle!

ME: "What do we NOT ever again put in our noses??"
Our Daughter: "Animal Crackers"
ME: "What else do we NEVER EVER AGAIN put in our noses???"
Our Daughter: "Hearts (see below picture)...we just hold them...only boogers go in our noses"

And this is how yesterday morning began...:o) Removing THIS from our 3 Year Old Princess's Nose...Never a Dull Moment in our Household. 

I would like to WELCOME you to Paraklesis for Pastor's Wives!!  I am so glad you came by.  My name is Jessica, and it's so nice to meet you.  :o)  I would love to get to know you better, and look forward to doing that!

I have been thinking/praying about creating a blog for quite some time.  And after attending First Baptist of Jasksonville (FL) Pastor's Conference with my hubby, and meeting fellow PW, Lisa, main speaker for Women's Conference, that desire to create a blog grew much stronger!  I was greatly encouraged by her and the other speakers and preachers.  We also enjoyed taking a quick to the beach, b/c after all, we were in Florida!! Who cares if it was January!!

You may have noticed the name of my blog, Paraklesis.  I really struggled in finding a name, because I really want this blog to be a place to find encouragement and friendships with other sisters in Christ!  Thank God for a hubby who happens to know Greek;o)  One Greek word used for encouragement/comfort is...Paraklesis!! It literally means be encouraged or comforted.  And fellow PW (Preacher's Wives), we could always use a second helping of that! Can I get an AMEN GIRLFRIEND???   

As a Mommy of 2 Toddlers, whose conversations usually revolve around Dora and Diego,  I know I could use some "Grown Up", Encouraging, Iron sharpening iron, GirlFriend Talk!!

Romans 15:4 says, "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort (There it is!! Paraklesis!!) of the Scriptures might have hope."  In this passage, Paul is encouraging Christians (specifically the stronger more mature, see verses 1 & 2) to ENCOURAGE and COMFORT each other.  Having this genuine Christlike love for other believers would result in unity among the body of Christ.  After all, we (as believers in Christ) are on the same team, are we not? And ultimately this unity will bring glory to God (Rom. 15:6) which is why we exist.  Do you desire and seek unity among the body of Christ?  What about among your fellow sisters in Christ?  Let's reel this in, what about among the ladies in your church?  Are you seeking unity among them?  Are you loving them, praying for them, getting to know them?  This has been something that has been burning on my mind (and heart) lately.  You can't spend time with someone 1 or 2 hours a week and expect to really get to know a person (a truth I was reminded of at the Women's Conference).  SO I ask you, how do you get to know your "congregation", the ones we are called to serve alongside?  Please share in the comments:o) 

And please introduce yourself; share a prayer need or praise! God Bless you!



  1. Welcome to the blog world!!! What a precious heart you have!

  2. I'm so excited to meet you! Welcome to the blog world. I have been blogging since 2008 and love it!
