Thursday, February 17, 2011

"You Have to BE Here"

Several years ago I had an eyeopening experiencing that I will never forget and convicts me each time it comes to memory.  We were serving at a church with a rich history.  We expected God to do great things, not because we were great (although my hubby is;o)) but because HE IS GREAT. 

However, I was struggling with being patient on waiting for God to do something Great in our church.  To start a revival and a massive movement of people to the altar were a few "Greats" I was expecting any day now from God. And I was praying fervently for our church to be awakened and revived.   Little did I know what "Great" Lesson my Creator was going to teach me very soon.

It was a Sunday morning, and I was tucked in my usual spot in the choir, enjoying worshiping with my "family".  We had just started the fellowship time, and I had turned to shake hands and offer kind greetings to those around me.  I moved a few spots over to give a warm hug to a sweet elderly women, and said in her ear, "It's good to see you here today!"  She returned the hug and smiled, "Thanks, but I won't say the same for you, since you HAVE to be here"  (a.k.a. you are the preacher's wife and you are HAVE to be here).  It took a moment for me to catch what she said and compute it. By that time the offering plates were being passed and the choir was singing.

The rest of the service I couldn't shake her words from my mind, particularly the last part, "You have to be here."  And other questions were now lingering...Do I attend church because I have to? Because, I am the Pastor's Wife, and well, duh, that's part of the job?  Because I am expected to be here?  Or do I come to be encouraged and equipped?   Do I come to church because I desire to worship God with this body of Christ and grow in my walk with Him?  

Remember, at the beginning of the post, I mentioned I was praying (and expecting) for God to do something Great among our church?  He did something great that day!  He reminded this preacher's wife that it's Great to be among fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!  That I get to be worship Christ freely and yes, this "calling" comes with some expectations, but attending church is Not one of them! I have the privilege to attend church and be challenged and taught in the Word of God!  

What about you, fellow preacher's wife?  Are you attending church, singing in the choir, teaching a Sunday School Class, visiting a sick member  because you Have to?  OR are you attending to worship Christ and be equipped for His service?  To fellowship with other believers and sharpen iron?

I pray that God will search your heart (as I have ask Him to do of mine) and to remove anything that would not please Him. 

Father, send a revival to our churches, and let it begin with us, your servants....



  1. Hello Jess!
    I am pretty sure I would have told the dear sister, “No, I don’t. No more than you have to be here!” I extremely dislike to the point of hate the assumptions I have run into about my 'role' within my husband's ministry. I am particularly offended that my three children and I are expected to attend all services. So we don't, and with my husband's blessing. I rarely if ever miss Sunday mornings, barring illnesses, but Sunday night attendance is decided on a week-by-week basis and has been for three or four months now.

    I must say that my attitude toward our worship service and honestly, our whole weekend, has changed for the better. Many times, over these past months, I have worshiped God during a church service. Somehow the very opportunity to choose to attend, rather than feeling compelled by expectations to attend, has been freeing in a way that encouraged me to offer praise and worship to our Father.

    This has not been a popular decision amongst our church members and a few people have made comments. I have answered their questions honestly and, I believe, graciously.

    The fact is, I love my husband being in ministry. I’ve loved his heart for God and people since we first met and he was not in ministry at that point. He works a full-time job and also pastors; I am fully supportive of this decision for our lives, despite the difficulties that arise. That support, however, should not have to proven to arbitrary standards set individually by different church members. For me, I know of no calling to be a Pastor’s Wife. Rather, I am called to be ’s wife. Big difference, even if it means I end up being the pastor’s wife!

    I know this is a tangent to your original post, but this is where your post took me. To answer your question: I participate in church life for three reasons. One, it is a habit I have nurtured in my life and wish to nurture in my children’s lives. Why? Because God put “all his eggs” in the church basket, I will, as well. He gave us the church for relationship, strengthening, and teaching. The relationships are not always strengthening and the teaching is not always what is wanted, but we are given to each other for a reason, all for God’s glory. Two, I attend church services to encourage other people. My husband is encouraged for me to hear his sermon and give feedback. This is not always a sermon critique, per se, although he requests those at times. I also visit with others in our body on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, this interaction is the major way I know what is going on in peoples’ lives. So I go, talk, and maintain or begin a relationship with people. Three, I gather with other believers to corporately worship God. Sometimes that worship ends up being personal, as well.

  2. Thanks for being so open. I apologize that I have not responded sooner!

    It is difficult to be "married to the ministry", so to speak. I'm so thankful that we are to please the Lord ALONE!

    May we be worthy of the calling placed on our lives (calling of salvation). May we continue to nourish our relationships with the Lord, encourage/submit to our husbands,and nurture our children in the Lord!

